Nosey Parker: Your Essential Tool for Finding Hidden Secrets

In the realm of software development, both private and public Git repositories are crucial for collaboration. However, these repositories often contain hidden vulnerabilities, such as sensitive information like API keys, passwords, or cryptographic keys embedded in the source code. These inadvertent exposures can pose significant risks if exploited by malicious actors. To address this ongoing challenge, specialized tools like Nosey Parker have been developed.

Introduction to Nosey Parker

Nosey Parker is a robust command-line tool designed to detect secrets and sensitive information within textual data and Git repository histories. It is invaluable for both offensive and defensive security testing, scanning files, directories, and Git commits for vulnerabilities such as API keys, passwords, and cryptographic keys. With advanced pattern matching and efficient deduplication capabilities, Nosey Parker enables security professionals—including pentesters and bug bounty hunters—to identify and address potential security risks effectively. Its high performance and scalability make it an essential tool for securing code repositories and conducting comprehensive security assessments.

Overview of Nosey Parker

Key Features of Nosey Parker

  • Native Scanning: Efficiently scans files, directories, and Git repository histories.
  • Advanced Pattern Matching: Employs 146 meticulously selected regular expression patterns, optimized for high signal-to-noise ratio and refined through extensive feedback from offensive security engagements.
  • Efficient Deduplication: Aggregates identical findings, dramatically reducing review workload by over 100 times.
  • Exceptional Performance: Delivers scanning speeds of hundreds of megabytes per second on a single core. Capable of analyzing 100GB of Linux kernel source history in under 2 minutes on older MacBook Pro models.
  • Scalability: Effectively handles inputs as large as 20TiB during rigorous security assessments.

Using Nosey Parker Effectively

Nosey Parker operates as a specialized tool akin to a grep-like utility, meticulously designed to identify secrets and sensitive information within codebases using regular expressions (regex). Its workflow comprises three core phases:

  • Scanning Phase: Use the scan command to thoroughly examine files, directories, or Git repository histories for potential security vulnerabilities, employing a range of regex patterns.
Scanning a Locally Cloned Git Repository
  • Reporting Phase: Generate detailed reports with the report command to gain comprehensive insights into detected secrets and sensitive data. These reports are essential for effective review and prioritization, aiding in the triage process.
Hardcoded AWS SMTP Credentials in the Source Code
S3 Bucket Key 
  • Review and Triage: Leverage the generated reports to prioritize and address necessary actions, proactively mitigating identified security risks to ensure the robust protection of code repositories.

Additionally, Nosey Parker can scan Git repositories that haven’t been cloned locally. You can specify repositories of interest using options such as --git-url URL, --github-user NAME, and --github-org NAME.

Utilizing Nosey Parker in Security Testing

Bug bounty hunters, pentesters, and ethical hackers conducting penetration testing often encounter hidden Git repositories during assessments. Their goal is to evaluate the security posture and uncover critical information such as keys, tokens, and APIs embedded within Git commits. Manual inspection of repositories for such sensitive data can be both challenging and time-consuming. 

Nosey Parker becomes invaluable in these scenarios. By incorporating Nosey Parker into our toolkit, we can efficiently scan and identify potential vulnerabilities, allowing us to take prompt actions to secure code repositories effectively.

Understanding Nosey Parker’s Terminology and Models

Datastore: Most commands in Nosey Parker utilize a datastore—a dedicated directory where Nosey Parker stores its findings and manages its internal state. If needed, the scan command will automatically create this datastore.

Blobs: Each item scanned by Nosey Parker is referred to as a blob. Each blob is assigned a unique blob ID, generated using the SHA-1 digest method, similar to Git’s.

Provenance: Every blob includes one or more provenance entries, which are metadata describing how the input was discovered. This metadata may come from files in the filesystem or entries in Git repository history.

Rules: Nosey Parker operates on a rule-based system using regular expressions. Each rule consists of a pattern with at least one capture group designed to isolate matched content within its context. Available rules can be viewed using noseyparker rules list.

Rulesets: Rules are organized into rulesets within Nosey Parker. The default ruleset includes patterns designed to detect potentially hardcoded secrets. Additional rulesets are available and can be listed using noseyparker rules list.

Matches: When a rule’s pattern identifies a match within an input, it generates a match entry. A match includes the rule applied, blob ID, start byte offset, and end byte offset, uniquely identifying each instance.

Findings: Matches produced by the same rule and sharing identical capture groups are grouped into findings. Essentially, a finding represents a cluster of related matches. This hierarchical structure serves as Nosey Parker’s primary unit for reporting.


Nosey Parker proves to be an essential tool for detecting and securing sensitive information within code repositories. Utilizing regex patterns, it provides thorough scanning and detailed reporting, enabling security professionals to proactively address potential risks. Beyond its core scanning capabilities, Nosey Parker offers advanced features for reconnaissance on organizational GitHub accounts and other complex security tasks. By integrating Nosey Parker into security workflows, teams can significantly bolster their ability to safeguard valuable assets and maintain strong defenses against evolving threats.

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