Hacker Stories

An Unlikely Pair: How a hacker and detective came together to create an offensively minded cybersecurity tool

They may be cousins, but Red Sentry founder’s Alex Thomas and Valentina Flores are an unlikely pair. Alex built his career as a white-hat hacker, while Valentina served as a detective on a federal taskforce.

“My passion and maybe slight obsession for hacking started when I was 12 years old,” said Alex. “My precious game console got hacked by a group called LulzSec. At that age, that was the most heinous crime anyone could commit. I guess you could say that was my ‘origin story.’”

From that day on, Alex made it his mission to learn everything there was to know about hacking, which later led him to his degree in cybersecurity and career as an ethical hacker, exposing vulnerabilities in Fortune 500 companies.

Meanwhile, Valentina began her career as a police detective and was assigned to a federal taskforce, where she worked on a variety of felonies before landing in cybercrimes.

“I was very frustrated with the reactive nature of my job,” shared Valentina. “I hated that people had to become victims first in order for me to help them. This definitely was the catalyst for my search for ways to educate the public and create more proactive solutions to these crimes.”

Though different, their career paths led Alex and Valentina toward a mutual dissatisfaction for the underserved cybersecurity and pentesting markets. They wanted to find a solution that would reduce the cost of pentests and provide companies proactive solutions for defending their assets. From there, Red Sentry was born. 

“Everything we do, from traditional pentests to vulnerability scanning to dark web monitoring, is to mimic a hacker,” explained Alex.  “A hacker’s perspective is at the center of all of Red Sentry’s solutions.”

Red Sentry takes a unique hybrid approach to cybersecurity, combining traditional methods like penetration testing with new softwares like the Red Sentry platform. Their penetration tests are a thorough look into your company’s weaknesses,  while their vulnerability management platform keeps you secure the other 364 days of the year until your next test. 

“We’re not trying to replace pentests just yet,” said Valentina. “However, the majority of companies are underserved in cybersecurity due to the inflated cost of the tests. So, they need to be done better and become readily available.”

As Red Sentry becomes a newly established leader in the pentesting market, their ultimate goal is to create the world's first AI hacker. 

Interested in partnering? Get a demo today. 

Ann Dickinson
Content Marketing Manager

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