Hackers know your weak points. Do you?

Hackers love easy targets. Every breach is a wake-up call, reminding businesses that their confidence in their cyberdefense is always threatened. It's crucial to stay ahead of those motivated hackers to exploit your vulnerabilities.

Schedule a Pentest:

Penetration Testing

Start a Free Trial:

Vulnerability Scanner
Stay Compliant


Large ROI for MSPs

Full pentest reports in >1 week

Large ROI for MSPs

Daily, actionable assessments to keep you protected

You’re Safe—Until the Locks Fail

From school data breaches to government ransomware attacks, cyberattacks can happen anywhere, anytime. The Microsoft Code Red mixed-threat attack in 2001, the Ashley Madison scandal in 2015, the Colonial Pipeline ransomware in 2021, and the recent 2023 Crowdstrike systems to crash all prove one thing: anyone can be a target, and the consequences can be severe.

Why does compliance matter?

It’s not just about avoiding penalties; it’s about avoiding hacks and building trust with your customers. Being compliant means being proactive in protecting sensitive information—showing that you care about their data and your business’s integrity.


Focuses on processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.


Protects patient health information.


Ensures secure handling of cardholder data.


A framework for information security management.


A comprehensive framework for health data security.


National Institute of Standards and Technology cybersecurity guidelines.


Center for Internet Security’s best practices.

Custom engagements for any framework.

The Tiers of Cybersecurity

Defensive security is like putting up a fence around your house. Offensive cybersecurity uses 2 methods to assess the fence. Vulnerability scanning, the equivalent of checking for cracks in the fence. Penetration testing involves bringing in an expert to see if they can break in, simulating a real-world attempt to breach your defenses.

Streamlined, thorough penetration testing

A pentest is a simulated cyberattack used to identify weaknesses in a system. It allows businesses to understand their security posture and prevent real-world breaches by fixing vulnerabilities before they are found by malicious actors. Pentests vary based on the environment being targeted: internal, external, cloud, web apps, and more.Our pentests provide:

Detailed Reports
Actionable Insights
Compliance Support

The Tiers of Cybersecurity

Hiring unqualified cybersecurity professionals can lead to serious risks like data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage. As a GRC Outlook Top 10 Pentest Solution Provider in 2024, we ensure your security is in expert hands. Our team of certified professionals holds top credentials, including OSCP, CISSP, CompTIA Security+, and more, delivering the highest level of protection and confidence for your business.

Pentesting Badges

Security Certifications

Complement your Cybersecurity Strategy

Pentests are deep and thorough analyses that most organizations can’t perform too frequently. Long gaps between pentests can create opportunities for hackers to target and compromise systems. Combining periodic pentesting with automated vulnerability scanning is the only way to get continuous and actionable results prioritized by severity. By using automated tools and procedures to detect known vulnerabilities and provide actionable insights for remediation, CVE scanners are a great ally for daily security management.

Why Red Sentry

Cybersecurity shouldn’t just be a box to check—it should be a fundamental part of your business strategy. Every organization deserves the peace of mind that comes from proactive security measures. We provide this with our Pentesting as a Service (PTaaS) platform, creating an ongoing partnership focused on continuous improvement.While some competitors like Cobalt opt for automated and scalable pentesting solutions, we take pride in conducting human-led pentests, ensuring each assessment is thorough and customized to fit our clients’ unique needs.

Get in touch

Continuous, 24/7 scanning
Expose true exploits and avoid false positives
Rapid, actionable remediation steps

It's time to get on offense.

Continuous, 24/7 scanning
True exploits exposed without false positives
Rapid, actionable remediation steps